Raise4Rosie – A Family Friendly Fundraiser

UPDATE: We’ve made a few changes to the article below to reflect the change of date due to conning scum, a couple updates to giveaways, etc.

A couple of weeks ago, Alan told me about Rosie, a very brave wee girl who is going through a hell of a tough time.

He wanted to do something to help and as we’re both utterly devoid of life skills, we decided to do the only thing we know. We’re going to stream for a very long time and we hope that you’ll be entertained and inspired to help.

On Saturday the 3rd of July, starting at 12 noon, we will be going live with A Family Friendly Fundraiser marathon stream, in which we’ll play our way through a whole pile of the Lego titles from TT Games (some of our absolute favourites!) while trying very hard not to swear.

We’ll be giving away a number of keys for Lego games thanks to our friends at CD Keys! We have three copies of Lego Marvel Avengers and five copies of Lego City Undercover to give out during the stream! ALSO…you can win a bundle of three amazing Lego games by retweeting the tweet below:

All codes are for PC and winners will be selected at random. If you’re not lucky enough to bag one, you can click our affiliate link below to check out a list of all the Lego games available on their site.

We also, thanks to ever wonderful Dan at Bleading Marvelous (dear lord please check out their store, they have some of the finest geekery on the planet and Dan is an amazing artist to boot!) have a £20 voucher which we’ll be giving away during the stream. So many goodies!

Our aim for the stream is to go for at least 24 hours, but so long as the donations roll in and people are having good times, who knows? We’ve done longer! This is going to be a relaxed and fun stream throughout though so we’re not doing this one under official world record rules, we’ll take the odd break where needed but rest assured, you’ll get to watch us slowly go insane with exhaustion as per.

Join us, tell your friends and please do all you can to help Rosie through a very difficult time.

DONATIONS: The Raise4Rosie GoFundMe Page


TWITCH: AMidGameCrisis

CD KEYS: Affiliate Link (Lego games)



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