The Mid-Game Crisis Cast! – Episode One: Attack Of The Vampire Potatoes

It’s the first episode of the brand new Mid-Game Crisis podcast! Summoning all our creative abilities, we have imaginatively titled it… The Mid Game Crisis Cast! Dazzling! This is the pilot episode, of course. We’re working on the intro music and ironing out the kinks, but we had such a good time recording it we couldn’t wait for you to hear it.

In this episode, we mourn the passing of an unsung hero, discuss physical surprise mechanics, unravel the mystery of Gnomey McGnome and ponder that most elusive of beasts, the vampire potato.

DISCLAIMER: When we last recorded a podcast, Jamie’s microphone was a tin can with a frayed string attached. He’s got a brilliant microphone now, which is why there’s a couple of audio blips because it’s TOO good and he hasn’t figured out how the hell to work it yet.

ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: Discord shit the bed in the last minute or two of recording. Enjoy our WhatsApp weird audio goodbye.

Episode Two will be way better. Unless it isn’t, because of surprise mechanics.



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